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Tubal Ligation

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Permanent birth control has grown in popularity in recent years, possibly due to the increasing number of options for safe, minimally-invasive permanent birth control procedures. The most important thing to consider before any permanent birth control procedure is whether or not you are certain that you and your partner are done having children. If you (and your partner) are certain, The Jackson Clinic provides expert permanent birth control via a tubal ligation procedure.

Tubal ligation, often referred to as "having your tubes tied," is a type of permanent birth control. During the surgical procedure, a woman's fallopian tubes are clamped or blocked, preventing eggs from reaching the uterus for fertilization.

Tubal ligations are 99% effective as birth control. They do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

In many cases, tubal ligation can be reversed. Tubal anastamosis -- or tubal reversal -- can successfully rejoin a woman's fallopian tubes after sterilization and make it possible for her to become pregnant.

Tubal Reversals at The Jackson Clinic